These interactive and animated ads shown were originally done in Flash. Each ad showcases catchy animation and storytelling to promote each product.

ROLE: Creative concepting, visual design, interactive ad production

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Bank of America
Timeline Mortgage

This landing page engaged the user to interact with the timeline. Moving the cursor over the scrubber, the user can view the many seasonal changes a home goes through. Milestones in the timeline also shows how home ownership can be possible for anyone.

Bank of America
No Fee IRA

To promote a No Fee Ira, animated typography was used as a story telling medium. The keyword “Start” is always displayed to remind the viewer it’s never too late to save money.

Nike ID Custom Build Shoes

Nike’s ad for custom built shoes is an Interactive piece that can rotate to see the many variations for each product.

The user can interact with the ad at anytime. If not, the carousel rotates automatically. The rotation will pause at the featured shoe. The shoe explodes to show the different options each model has to offer. 

Pur Snap

PUR’s new faucet filter was to show how easy it is to add it onto any kitchen faucet. The animation showed the simple motion of popping the filter into the faucet with no hassle. “Snap it on. Drink it up.”

Intel i5 i7

Intel’s new core processors showcased how powerful the next generation chips are. All unlocked and overclocked for the best experience in gaming.


Goodnites is a night time diaper that’s designed to give toddlers a more restful night’s sleep. Each cloud represented it’s advantages of using the brand- cool graphics, designed to fit, absorption, and comfort.

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